
"Enjoy in peace the joy God is giving you, without worrying about the future. He is reserving for you, I am sure, new graces and many consolations." - St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower

Jason and I started this blog to keep family and friends updated and share our story with others. We are so grateful for all of the support and prayers that we continue to receive.

I have added a couple of links explaining Potter's syndrome and some additional info.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

C-section scheduled

I had another follow up appointment with Dr. Cook today. My weight & blood pressure are good & Therese's heart rate was at 143 BPM. She is still breech so we have decided to deliver her via C-section. It is scheduled for Monday August 16 @ 11:30 am (be at Children's Memorial Hermann). Dr. Cook said that it should go very quickly but sometimes things get pushed back depending on how busy Labor & Delivery is. The actual surgery is very, very quick. I will be awake & alert (unless I ask for something to make me sleep), but will not be able to feel anything. Jason will be in the operating room with us. As soon as she is born, Dr. Cook will cut the cord & hand her to Jason so that he can baptise her. After Dr. Cook closes me up, they will move us to recovery where we can have visitors. Dr. Cook has assured us that Jason will be with Therese at all times.

We are beginning to talk about our "birth plan". I am so torn on how to do this. Part of me wants to have a very detailed plan. I don't want to miss out on anything. I want to make sure we get to do all the things new parents get to do with their newborns. On the other hand, we have no way of knowing how much time we will have. It could be a few minutes, or few hours or maybe even a day or so. I don't want to spend it all jostling her around trying to get ink prints, clay prints & bathing her. Although knowing the outcome is so difficult, I am grateful that we can make arrangements so that her grandparents will be there to meet her. Also my dear friend Jennifer has agreed to come & take pictures of little Therese. I also take some comfort in knowing that we will not have to come home from the hospital to a nursery full of pink & a house full of baby gifts. I am still feeling fine & am enjoying this time that I have with her. She still moves around mostly just before we go to sleep & sometimes during the night. She is a night owl, just like her daddy.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Follow up appt/ MRI

On Monday June 28 they performed a MRI on the baby. Jason & I have decided that we do not want to do an autopsy & thought this would give us more info on the baby. Unfortunately, they found no renal tissue (no kidneys). Although this only confirmed what we have already been told, we were hoping for something different. The MRI also showed what they thought were some "anomalies" with three of her vertebrae. Also, they thought they could see a hole in her heart during the ultrasound. Dr. Gei said that with normal babies, the hole usually healed on its own after birth. I told him that we were hoping that little Therese would be born alive, that we could baptise her & spend a little bit of time with her. I asked Dr. Gei if anything in the MRI changed that & he said "definitely not." He thought that was very realistic.

I had another follow up appointment with Dr. Cook on Tuesday June 29. Therese is still breech & will not be able to turn (due to the lack of fluid). He feels that a C-section is best for me & the baby & said we should do it sometime the week before August 25. We will probably schedule it for Monday the 16th, only 39 days from today. I asked if there is a limit to the number of C-sections that I can have. He said we can have three more kids after Therese. Dr. Cook also told me two of his kids are less than a year apart, so we will not have to wait long after she is born to try again.

I have started buying a few things for Therese (and one extra outfit in case it's a boy). I am really looking forward to bathing & dressing her after she's born. Since it looks like I am going to have a C-section, more of that may fall on Jason (which makes me giggle a little). She may be wearing nothing but a diaper & a blanket! I found this adorable leopard print swaddling sock on-line. It will be perfect for her pictures! I ordered a couple of silver keepsake boxes - one for a lock of her hair (if she has any) and one for her birth certificate. I also ordered a kit to make clay imprints of her hands & feet, as well as a ink print kit. I have enjoyed shopping for her, as long as I can do it on-line. I know people are trying to be nice, but if I have one more stranger ask me if the nursery is ready or tell me "it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, as long as its healthy, right?", I may scream.