
"Enjoy in peace the joy God is giving you, without worrying about the future. He is reserving for you, I am sure, new graces and many consolations." - St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower

Jason and I started this blog to keep family and friends updated and share our story with others. We are so grateful for all of the support and prayers that we continue to receive.

I have added a couple of links explaining Potter's syndrome and some additional info.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Elizabeth's Birth

Throughout my pregnancy, my OB performed an ultrasound each visit to reassure my husband and I that the baby was fine (lots of amniotic fluid).  Even though we knew she had functioning kidneys, the first thing we looked for each visit was that big dark area on the screen.  As my due date neared, our excitement grew.  I wouldn't say that our fear lessened.  We just worried about all the things that could still go wrong.  Since I had a c-section with Therese (she was breech), Elizabeth would also have to be delivered via cesarean. Finally the day had arrived!  Delivery was scheduled for Friday April 13 at 7:30 am. Yes, that's right. Friday the 13th. It turned out to be a very lucky day for us!
Elizabeth Ann Lloyd born at 8:30 am on 04/13/12 - 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 in.
We finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl, almost three years in the making.  I tell my husband (not as often as I should) how grateful I am for everything we have, despite all the heartache.  I have never, not even for a second, regretted any of the decisions we made regarding Therese.  Obviously if I had my wish she would be right here with us, running around the house, playing with her baby sister.  But if I had to choose between her never being conceived and the way things are, I would choose Therese every time.  Therese will always be a part of our lives.  We will tell Elizabeth about the extraordinary life of her sister.  We want to share Therese's story with her sister and many others over the years to come until we can all be together in Heaven.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I started this blog in June of 2010 to keep our family and friends updated on doctor appointments and my pregnancy. After Therese was born I thought everyone would stop reading it. Even though “Baby Therese” was added to the Potter's Webring over a year ago, I assumed no one would read it. I still visit the blog occasionally to look at the pictures and video of our Little Angel. Today, while doing so, I realized I could view the blog traffic, frequency and date. I was so surprised to see that people are still viewing “Baby Therese” (mostly through the Webring)! It really shouldn't surprise me, I guess. After doctors gave us the terrible news, I was constantly on the internet reading about Potter's Syndrome. Obviously others are doing the same thing. With that in mind, I wanted to give a quick update on the last two years. 

After Therese was born, Jason and I knew it would be months before we could even talk about having another baby. You can imagine our surprise (shock, fear and even anger) when, just before Thanksgiving, I found out I was pregnant. As if the holidays weren't going to difficult enough, now we were also terrified that we were going to lose another child. We made the decision not to tell anyone about my pregnancy. We just weren't ready to have all the baby conversations - "How are you feeling? How is the baby doing? What did the doctor say?" The first week of January, less than five months after Therese was born; I went to the doctor for another routine checkup. It was my eleventh week and we decided we would tell our family after twelve weeks. Up to this point my pregnancy was going well.  As soon as the doctor looked at the ultrasound, I knew something was wrong. That’s when she told me there was no heartbeat.  Part of me felt so guilty. When the pregnancy test was positive back in November I wasn't ready to go through another pregnancy - the worry and fear. I felt like we lost the baby because we weren't happy about it. In my brain I know that's not true, but I can't seem to convince my heart, even now, nearly two years later.  My doctor told us that he didn’t think this miscarriage had anything to do with Therese’s condition but he wanted to make sure.  He ordered a series of blood work on both Jason and I.  He also did a scope on me to see if there was something structural that caused the miscarriage.   It took a few months to get everything done, but all the results came back great.  Doctors couldn’t find anything that caused Therese’s condition or the miscarriage.  We were so relieved to hear there wasn’t anything wrong with either one of us!  In a way, it was even scarier to know that both pregnancies were just a case of “bad luck” - there was nothing we or doctors could do.  How much longer would our bad luck last?   Would we ever have a healthy baby or would we give up before that day ever arrived?  A few months later, in the summer of 2011 we decided we were ready to swallow our fear and try again. 

On August 16, 2011, Therese’s first birthday, I took a pregnancy test.  My period wasn’t “late,” but I knew there was a chance I could be pregnant.  I was disappointed, but I knew it was still a little early.  A few days later, I took another test – POSITIVE!  We were excited and terrified at the same time.  After the first trimester, we made the announcement.  We were so relieved to make it past that first milestone, but we knew the biggest hurdle would come in another six weeks.  I was eighteen weeks when we found out about Therese’s condition during a regular appointment with my OB.
Tuesday December 6, 2011, the same specialist that we went to while I was pregnant with Therese, performed the 20 week anatomy scan.  Although my regular OB told us everything was fine a couple of weeks earlier, this doctor would be able to give us more information about the baby.  During the ultrasound, the technician pointed out how much amniotic fluid was around the baby.  She also showed us the functioning kidneys (you could see the blood flowing to/from).  When the doctor came in to look at the baby he assured us everything looked perfect!  He also confirmed what my OB had told us a few weeks earlier – we were having another little girl.  We were thrilled with what the doctor told us, but we were still terrified.  It was almost inconceivable that we would actually be coming home with a healthy baby.  We couldn’t even talk about baby names until January.  One Sunday, while sitting in church, Jason was flipping through the missal, he noticed that Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton’s Feast Day was a few days later.  He pointed at the page and looked at me.  We both knew that was the perfect name for our little girl. 

I really struggled with the idea of getting the nursery ready.  After Therese was born I kept thinking about how much more difficult it would have been to come home from the hospital to a house full of baby clothes, toys and furniture, but no baby.  I didn’t want to start getting ready for Elizabeth if we weren’t going to come home from the hospital with a little girl.  Before we found out about Therese’s condition, my step-mom and I picked out the cutest “Winnie the Pooh” fabric for the nursery.  She took everything home with her to make the curtains, crib skirt and bumper pad.  Then, the following week, we found out we wouldn’t be decorating a nursery after all.  Even though I hadn’t seen the fabric in nearly two years, I knew I wanted to use it for Elizabeth’s room.  Next I ordered her furniture and my mom painted the nursery.  The last six weeks my step mom painted Pooh murals on the walls, the furniture came in (everything except the crib) and I had two different baby showers – whew!  Everything was ready (almost)!