
"Enjoy in peace the joy God is giving you, without worrying about the future. He is reserving for you, I am sure, new graces and many consolations." - St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower

Jason and I started this blog to keep family and friends updated and share our story with others. We are so grateful for all of the support and prayers that we continue to receive.

I have added a couple of links explaining Potter's syndrome and some additional info.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Elizabeth's Birth

Throughout my pregnancy, my OB performed an ultrasound each visit to reassure my husband and I that the baby was fine (lots of amniotic fluid).  Even though we knew she had functioning kidneys, the first thing we looked for each visit was that big dark area on the screen.  As my due date neared, our excitement grew.  I wouldn't say that our fear lessened.  We just worried about all the things that could still go wrong.  Since I had a c-section with Therese (she was breech), Elizabeth would also have to be delivered via cesarean. Finally the day had arrived!  Delivery was scheduled for Friday April 13 at 7:30 am. Yes, that's right. Friday the 13th. It turned out to be a very lucky day for us!
Elizabeth Ann Lloyd born at 8:30 am on 04/13/12 - 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 in.
We finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl, almost three years in the making.  I tell my husband (not as often as I should) how grateful I am for everything we have, despite all the heartache.  I have never, not even for a second, regretted any of the decisions we made regarding Therese.  Obviously if I had my wish she would be right here with us, running around the house, playing with her baby sister.  But if I had to choose between her never being conceived and the way things are, I would choose Therese every time.  Therese will always be a part of our lives.  We will tell Elizabeth about the extraordinary life of her sister.  We want to share Therese's story with her sister and many others over the years to come until we can all be together in Heaven.

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